TerminalVector font truetype, Terminal Vector DOS font.
This is a TrueType version of monospace Terminal font with Unicode support (for most European code pages) for using with Windows Console.
Multiple codepages from vgaxxx.fon windows font files were combined and vectorized into a single TrueType font.
Original Terminal font is shipped with Windows and copyrighted as follows:
Copyright (c) Bitstream Inc. 1984. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. 1991-1993
I disclaim any rights to this font and release the vector version into public domain.
Technically the font has been redrawn in vector form and thus does not contain information from the original Bitstream font. However if you plan to ship this font with a commercial product, please check with Bitstream Inc, or otherwise do it on your own responsibility.
If Bitstream Inc gives a universally positive answer, please let me know.
The font should be very familiar to Windows console users (as it is the default console font), and it looks like this:

After installing this TrueType font, if it is desired to use it with Windows Console - please follow these instructions to enable it:
- Open Windows Registry Editor (regedit.exe)
- Navigate to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont
- Right-click the right pane to add a value.
- Add a String value, and set a name to it, which entirely consists of zeros in the following way:
Please check what names there are already, such as that there might be already 0, 00, 000, and use the name which has one zero more than the longest already existing. For example, if you only have 0 - Lucida Console, then call your entry 00.
- Set TerminalVector as the value for the newly created entry.
In the archive also the original FontForge project is included. Please let me know how to replace an 'unknown character glyph' with something else than a face #01 symbol, while at the same time preserving codes for characters 00...1E.